a field with mountains in the background under a blue sky

Things To Do and See in Dajti National Park, Albania

The breathtaking Dajti National Park, located in Albania, is absolutely full of things to do and see. Nestled amidst the stunning Albanian Alps on the outskirts of Tirana, this national park is one of the most accessible in the Balkans.

With natural beauty, adventure, and cultural experiences that will leave you in awe, Dajti National Park is the perfect day trip from Tirana, or even longer if you want to explore all of its offerings.

Dajti National Park Quick Facts and History

  • The park is located 25 kilometres east of Tirana, the Albanian capital.
  • It was established in 1966.
  • It spans an area of 293.84 square kilometres.
  • The park is home to the famous Dajti Mountain.
  • It’s home to diverse flora and fauna, including rare and endangered species such as the Balkan lynx.

Getting to Dajti National Park

To reach Dajti National Park, you can take a short drive from Tirana, the capital city of Albania. The park is just 25 kilometres away from Tirana, making it easily accessible for a day trip or a weekend getaway.

The easiest way to reach the park is to take the cable car from the Dajti Ekspres station. The longest cableway in the Balkans, it takes fifteen minutes to get from Tirana up to the top of Dajti Mountain. The cable car journey offers stunning panoramic views as it ascends to the park’s entrance, and is an experience in itself. As the most accessible way to ascend the mountain, it’s a favourite amongst the locals.

Alternatively, you can opt for public transport or hire a taxi to reach the park’s entrance. The journey itself is a scenic delight, as you pass through quaint villages and lush greenery.

Mount Dajti

At the heart of Dajti National Park stands Mount Dajti, towering at an impressive height of 1,613 metres. This majestic mountain offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes, including the city of Tirana and the Adriatic Sea. The viewing platform at the summit provides a perfect vantage point to soak in the beauty of the park and its surroundings. On a clear day, you can even catch a glimpse of the distant mountains of Greece.

To reach the summit of Mount Dajti, you can either hike through the well-marked trails or take the cable car. The hiking trails cater to different levels of difficulty, ensuring that both novice and experienced hikers can enjoy the exhilarating trek. Once you reach the top, you’ll be rewarded with stunning vistas in addition to the opportunity to immerse yourself in nature.

Must-Visit Attractions in Dajti National Park

Lake Bovilla

Located twenty kilometres northeast of Tirana, Lake Bovilla lies in the heart of Dajti National Park. Construction began in 1988, and the reservoir is now the main water source for the Albanian capital and the surrounding area.

You can reach Lake Bovilla independently or with a guided tour. Get Your Guide and Viator both offer options for booking tours, and you can rent a car from platforms like Discover Cars and Qeek. Once at the lake, hike up Gamti Mountain for the best views or enjoy a picnic on the shore.

Pellumbas Cave

For adventurous souls, Pellumbas Cave, also known as the Black Cave, is a must-visit attraction in Dajti National Park. It lies in the Skorana Gorge, created by the Erzen River, and takes around an hour to reach on foot from Pellumbas village.

This underground marvel stretches over 360 metres and offers a thrilling exploration experience. Inside you’ll find stalagmites and stalactites, underground rivers and even bats flying around. If you visit during summer you’ll also get to swim in the Erzen river (more in that later) after exploring the cave and its intricate rock formations.

Shëngjergji Waterfall

Cascading down from the mountains from a height of around 30 metres, the Shëngjergji Waterfall is a mesmerising sight to behold, especially during spring when the falls are their most powerful due to snowmelt.

You can take a leisurely hike to reach the waterfalls and enjoy a picnic, or enjoy a meal at a traditional restaurant nearby. Guided tours are a great option if you want a hassle-free experience, but you can also hike independently. The Shëngjergji Waterfall is a perfect spot to relax, and is also a great swimming spot during summer (June-August).

Hiking Opportunities in Dajti National Park

Dajti National Park boasts a plethora of hiking opportunities, so whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a beginner, you can enjoy the park’s well-marked trails. The hiking trails will lead you through dense forests, picturesque meadows, and breathtaking viewpoints.

One popular hiking trail is the Tujani Trail, which offers a moderate difficulty level. This trail takes you through lush greenery and mesmerising landscapes, offering the opportunity to spot wildlife. Amongst the species that call the park home are boars, bears, wolves and wildcats.

Make sure to carry water and snacks along with you, as the hike can be quite exhilarating. Also make sure not to litter, and to respect any animals you come across by giving them plenty of space and not feeding them.

Family-Friendly Activities in Dajti National Park

Dajti National Park is not only a paradise for adventure enthusiasts but also offers a wide range of family-friendly activities. These activities ensure that everyone, regardless of age, can have a memorable experience in the park.

At the top of Mount Dajti, you’ll find a delightful mini golf course that promises fun for the whole family. Mini golf is a perfect activity to enjoy some friendly competition while enjoying the park’s serene surroundings. It’s located within the Dajti Ekspres complex, so is accessible as soon as you get off the cable car.

For those seeking an adrenaline rush, Dajti Adventure Park is a must-visit destination within the national park. Just a short walk from where you get off the cable car, the park offers a range of thrilling activities, including ziplining, rope courses, and tree climbing. Adventure enthusiasts of all ages can challenge themselves and conquer their fears while surrounded by the park’s natural beauty.

Swimming in the Erzen River

When the sun is shining, there’s no better way to beat the heat than by taking a refreshing dip in the Erzen River. The river flows through Dajti National Park, offering a picturesque setting for swimming and relaxation.

The clear waters of the Erzen River are best enjoyed from June to August, when you’re most in need of a soothing escape from the summer heat if you’re based in Tirana. Pack a picnic, find a shaded spot along the riverbank, and enjoy a day of tranquillity in the heart of nature.

Hikes to the Pellumbas Cave and the Dajti Castle ruins pass by the river, providing the perfect opportunity to cool off after exploring. Guided tours also often stop by the river, but there are plenty of spots where you can enjoy the water in peace.

Adventure Sports in Dajti National Park

Dajti National Park is a haven for adventure sports enthusiasts, offering a wide range of thrilling activities that will get your adrenaline pumping.

Mountain Biking

The park’s diverse terrain and well-maintained trails make it an ideal destination for mountain biking. You can rent a bike and explore the park’s scenic trails, enjoying the adrenaline rush as you navigate through forests and meadows. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, Dajti National Park offers biking trails suitable for all skill levels.

Mountain Climbing

For the daredevils and thrill-seekers, Dajti National Park provides ample opportunities for mountain climbing. The park’s rugged cliffs and challenging routes offer a thrilling experience for climbers of all levels. It’s a good idea to hire a climbing guide if you don’t have a lot of experience, as they’ll also provide equipment and safety information.


Soar through the skies and witness the beauty of Dajti National Park from a new perspective with paragliding. There’s no better way to experience the rush of adrenaline as you take off from the mountaintop and glide through the air, enjoying panoramic views of the park’s stunning landscapes. There are a couple of companies that offer paragliding experiences, so make sure to do your research and check the reviews.

Skiing and Snowboarding

Dajti National Park transforms into a winter wonderland during the colder months, with the slopes of Mount Dajti providing an excellent opportunity for skiing and snowboarding. The park has well-groomed ski slopes suitable for beginners as well as advanced skiers. You can rent equipment in Tirana or from outlets in the area, or you can bring your own.

Exploring the Dajti Castle Remains

History buffs will be delighted to explore the remains of the ancient Dajti Castle, which dates back to the 6th century. At an altitude of 3600 feet, the castle was strategically positioned on Mount Dajti to defend the region against invasions.

Although the castle is now in ruins, its remnants offer a glimpse into Albania’s rich history and the architectural marvels of the past. Exploring the Roman ruins is like stepping back in time, allowing you to connect with the region’s cultural heritage.

Amenities and Dining Options in and Around Dajti National Park

Dajti National Park offers a range of amenities to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable visit. You’ll find most amenities, such as picnic areas, restrooms, and an information centre when you step off the cable car.

There are also several dining options available in the park, offering a taste of Albanian cuisine. Restaurant Ballkoni Dajtit and the restaurant at the Dajti Tower Belvedere Hotel are the most popular options, both offering traditional Albanian food and fantastic views over Tirana.

Best Time to Visit Dajti National Park

Dajti National Park can be visited throughout the year, with each season offering a unique experience. The park’s beauty is ever-changing, from vibrant spring blooms to lush green summers, colourful autumn foliage, and snow-covered landscapes in winter.

The best time to visit depends on your preferences and the activities you wish to partake in. Spring and autumn are ideal for hiking, while winter offers a magical experience for snow enthusiasts, with December to February offering the best snow coverage. Summer meanwhile is perfect for swimming in the Erzen River and escaping the heat of Tirana.

If you’ve made it this far, you shouldn’t need any more convincing: Dajti National Park in Albania is a treasure trove of natural beauty, adventure, and cultural heritage. From the majestic Mount Dajti to Lake Bovilla, the park offers a diverse range of attractions and activities.

No matter what time of year you visit, there’s plenty to do and see in the park, from swimming and hiking during summer to skiing during winter. Just make sure you bring a camera so you can document your adventures!

CTA: Check out Discover the Top Reasons to Visit Albania for Your Next Adventure and Best Things to Do in Tirana, Albania for more inspiration if you’re planning a trip to Albania.

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